Although initially, they were studied as one, Astrology and Astronomy gradually got separated in the “Age of Reason” around the 17th century. Astronomy is the science in which the celestial objects are observed and studied. While Astrology is a pseudoscience, more so a ‘scholarly tradition’ that claims to be able to predict occurrences in human lives on the basis of the planetary positions. Therefore, around the end of the medieval period, it was declared that astronomy is the foundation on which astrology works.
Distinguishing Astronomy and Astrology:
Why is astrology popular in India?
Since the old days, Indians have always been inclined towards knowing the unknown. Common people often get the horoscopes prepared on the basis of exact time, date and place of birth of individuals. On the basis of those horoscopes the health, wealth, career and marriages are predicted. The beliefs are so strong among some people that if the horoscopes don’t match for two individuals, sometimes marriages are canceled or partnerships are called off. Some people even consider consulting an astrologer before selecting their stream of study or which job to go for or to decide if they should go abroad or not. With the introduction of globalization, the beliefs have only grown stronger with foreign cultures like tarot, crystal balls, numerology, etc coming into the picture.
But the question remains, what makes astrology so popular. According to some studies, astrology or predictions serve as a relief or comfort. People deal with a lot of stress, anxiety, and difficulties day in and day out. It is for sure that no one is living a perfect life, be it professional, personal, health or financial everyone is dealing with either or all of these issues. In such a situation, if someone reassures you or warns you about certain things, it acts as psychological comfort. A person who is mentally distressed finds guidance in the astrologer’s predictions. Many people claim that the predictions came true for them, although there is no scientific explanation to them, some studies suggest that the strong belief and the assurance from the astrologer helped them achieve their goals.
There are many renowned astrologers in Navi Mumbai who offer new age astrological predictions and they are gaining popularity as well. There are many online applications and websites available these days offering astrological predictions. One must be careful while selecting any of these online services as most of them charge money and there is no way to verify their authenticity. As long as the beliefs are impacting an individual in a positive way, there is no harm in believing in a traditional study. But one must not stop believing in themselves and working hard.